Walt Disney Studios brings the fourth installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series starring Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Ian McShane and Geoffrey Rush. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was directed by Rob Marshall and it is now showing in all theaters worldwide; available in 3D, IMAX 3D and regular format.
Unlike the first three installment, Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) is set on his own voyage as he reunite with his old love Angelica (Cruz) with her father Blackbeard (McShane) in search for the fountain of youth. Sadly, I was expecting too much with the journey and more of the fight scenes knowing it’s a Pirates of the Caribbean series. There was a little in the first part and somewhere in the middle but the consistency of the action and mood was weak.
The voyage of Sparrow and Blackbeard was clear in the story, but as for the British it was only established in the middle and as for the Spaniards it was never been clear and it was vague in the part of the movie. I have to admit that the story flow of the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is not that strong or consistent, but because it is a Pirates movie of Walt Disney having Depp on it remains marketable and a blockbuster.
While in the lighter note, visual effects and texture of the film is brilliant as always, following the creativity of the early three installment of the movie. Though I was expecting the grandeur scenes of the mermaids that lasted only for less than 10 minutes or more they did pulled that beautiful scene especially the grace and choreography in the water not to mention during the chaos, I like that scene.
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is now showing in all theaters worldwide; available in 3D, IMAX 3D and regular format.
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