Currently trending among the comic book readers most especially the avid supporters of the mutant superhero Wolverine is the last installment of the 4-part comic book series of Marvel Comics entitled Death of Wolverine. The company build up on the story of the death of Wolverine or alter ego Logan. The latest issue that was released early this month shows the wounded no longer in fighting form Wolverine carried by a skeleton.
For followers of Wolverine it is hard to understand on what lead to the death of their favorite mutant character that have numerous movie and TV animated appearances aside from the comic book. If we do remember Wolverine has the ability to rapidly recover from any injury or ailment. He possesses long retractable claws that protrude from the backs of his hands. His skeleton is laced with a fictional metal known as adamantium, which makes it indestructible. He is a member of the X-Men that fell in love with the character of Jean Grey which unfortunately married to Cyclops or Scott Summer.

In the 4-part comic book that highlights the life of Wolverine and also include different characters that became essential to his character. Some of the characters in the 4-part series include Madripoor, Kitty Pryde, Ogun, Lady Deathstrike, Weapon X’s Doctor Cornelius and many more.
Unlike other famous death of other superheroes, Wolverine was very simple he was suffocated with molten adamantium after rescuing the civilians as weapon of Cornelius and his healing factor was gone. And the rest is history.

Aside from Wolverine other DC and Marvel Comics heroes who died include SuperMan, Aquaman, Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hercules, Human Torch, Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Thor, and Batman. And all the superheroes mentioned returned from the dead with different ways such as transportation to the past, revived by fellow superhero or by resurrection.
With the death of Wolverine will Marvel Comics decide to bring him back or permanently put the character on rest? This is something we will surely look forward in the coming years.