It will be an ultimate throwback on March 31 even it is not Thursday because there will be a massive dance concert that will happen at the Activity Center of TriNoma Mall featuring the hit dance groups of the 90s including Universal Universal Motion Dancers (UMD), Manoeuvres, and Sexbomb Dancers. You will see Wowie de Guzma of UMD, Jopay Paguia of Sexbomb, and Joshua Zamora of Manoeuvres together with the rest of through group members performing together to create awareness on the Neuropathy.
Neuropathy or nerve damage is a disease affecting nerves, which may affect sensation, movement, gland or organ function, and other aspects of health, depending on the type of nerve affected. Common symptoms include numbness, painful cramps, and fasciculation (fine muscle twitching) or simply known as pamamanhid, tusok-tusok, and pangangawit for most of the Filipinos who were at their 30s and above.
The event aims to show the importance of maintaining maintain healthy nerves, promote efficient nerve function, and reduce pain in the arms and hands caused by Neuropathy where we can still move and dance just like in our younger age. To make it possible, it is very important to have proper Vitamin B-Complex intake that includes Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 that will help us take care of our nerves. And Neurobion, a multivitamins that contains Vitamin B-Complex that’s very affordable will surely help us attain this goal.
Aside from the dance concert, there will also be free nerve clinics, games, and freebies to be given away throughout the day-long event at the TriNoma Activity Center on March 31. The said activity was organized by Neurobion.