We all love buying discount coupons and products online what we always see practical and easy in terms of transaction. This time through Groupon Philippines, it will give us opportunity to help feed a hungry child in South East Asia including the Philippines where the target beneficiaries are in the conflict affected area in Central Mindanao. This is a joint project of Groupon and World Food Program (WFP) as the created a very easy way to reach out to everyone and offer them a better option to help others.
Filipinos who has account in Groupon Philippines can access this link where they will lead them on a deal where it offers them the opportunity to donate Php 150, Php 300 and Php 500 that will benefit the WFP Philippines school feeding program in Central Mindanao. Funds collected will be used this coming school year and it will be a big help for the students living with their family in conflict affected areas, displaced and lacking of nutrition. And it takes only Php 10 to feed a child a school meal per day, so every donation makes a difference.
The deal is currently on going on the Groupon Philippines website and aside from the Philippines, South East Asian countries including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore has their Groupon -World Food Porgramme partnership to help in fighting hunger and malnutrition in South East Asian countries.