It will be a bolder step for the Philippines to have one or two Filipinos to join the lucky 22 individuals to join the space expedition headed by AXE on 2014. The project of AXE is in partnership with the space travel agency called Space Expedition Corporation (SXC) and XCOR Aerospace that will bring the 22 astronauts that will be determined via online votes at the and will undergo training.
This space expedition of AXE is called AXE Apollo Space Academy which was named after the latest AXE fragrance with the same name. Selected individuals from different countries with the highest online votes will join the Space Camp in Orlando, Florita where the final selection process will happen. It will be a three-day space camp that will train them on how they will adjust gravitational force while in space with the help of simulation and also they will undergo physical and mental exam if they are fit to be part of the expedition.

With this kind of opportunity that AXE is giving to Filipinos it will give chances to everyone who wanted to experience this one in a lifetime moment in their lives and to be named as the very first Filipino astronaut. It will also give the chance to everyone to put themselves on the level of the Russians who had Yuri Gagarin orbit the Earth in a spacecraft in 1961 and also with Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
This kind of expedition cost more than $100, 000 per person that includes the training which for the 22 lucky individuals it is rare and one of a kind of experience that they will never forget. Visit to know more about the project and who knows you might be the first Filipino in space.