Award winning actress Cherie Gil ensures her return to theater after Repertory Philippines announces her portrayal of the seductive Mrs. Robinson in the comedy-drama play entitled The Graduate. To be directed by Jaime del Mundo, The Graduate will be staged for the very first time of Rep Phils and will be running on April 5-28, 2013. Joining Cherie Gil in this rated-18 play are Reb Atadero and Cara Barredo.
The Graduate is based from the 1963 novel of Charles Webb, and later adapted to a film in the 1967 which the main roles where played by Anne Bancroft and Dustin Hoffman. While in 2000, The Graduate was brought to the stage of London’s West End and on Broadway. It was adapted for the stage by Terry Johnson.

The comedy-drama play follows the life of Benjamin Braddock (Atadero), a college graduate still figuring out what to do with his life. During the graduation party where his parents conducted he met the seductive and straight forward Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father’s law partner. Still confused, Benjamin doesn’t know how to react with all the interrogations of Mrs. Robinson including her persuasion to drive her home. To make the story short, something happened between Benjamin and Mrs. Robinson, but beyond that the young boy will know her better that will transform his life and his view about his future.
The Graduate is one of the 5 plays that Repertory Philippines will be presenting on their 76th Season on 2013. Other plays that they will be presenting are Boeing Boeing (January 25-Febreuary 17, 2013), No Way to Treat a Lady (March 1-24, 2013), Alice in Wonderland (August 17-December 15, 2013) and The Producer (November 15-Dec.15, 2013). For more details about the 2013 line up of Rep Phils including show buying, school and corporation packages, season pass and sponsorship please call (02) 571.6926 or (02) 571.4941 or visit