In line with the celebration of the 100 Years of Coca-Cola in thePhilippinestogether with the Live Positively campaign, Coca-Cola launches the Little Red Schoolhouse – Jenny Sanchez Story video as part of the Every Bottle Has A Story project. This is the second video of Coca-Cola that give awareness on the community involvement of the company through the Coca-Cola Foundation. The first video was about the Nutrijuice, a product of Coca-Cola that is not for sell instead it was manufactured and distributed to partner schools and given to the students. It is Vitamin and Iron fortified drink that helps to alleviate iron anemia deficiency to elementary students that really affects their studies.
In the second video, the Little Red Schoolhouse – Jenny Sanchez Story, Coca-Cola introduces Jenny Sanchez, one of the students of Malasa Elementary school located in Sitio Mabilog Anopol, Bamban, Tarclac. It is a school where Coca-Cola Foundation partners with and brought the Little Red Schoolhouse that helps the students and faculty members with facilities that pushes better education together with the local government and Department of Education. Aside from the material things, Little Red Schoolhouse brings hope to everyone especially for a child like Jenny who is an Aeta to reach for her dream for herself and her family who supported her.

Here’s the video of the Little Red Schoolhouse – Jenny Sanchez Story and I hope it touches your heart and give you inspiration.
From 1997, the time it was established here in thePhilippinesthe Little Red Schoolhouse of Coca-Cola has touches and bring changes to the lives of nearly 60,000 schoolchildren and more than 3,100 teachers with the partnership of Department of Education and the Philippine Business for Social Progress they had built 275 classrooms at 93 schools nationwide. According to Cecile Alcantara, President, Coca-Cola FoundationPhilippinesthey are now working on the 100th Little Red Schoolhouse in commemoration of the 100 Years of Coca-Cola in thePhilippines.