As the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) celebrates its 50th year as the largest humanitarian agency that fights hunger worldwide they recently release a campaign that encourage everyone to be part of their advocacy. With the campaign “Hunger – The World’s Greatest Solvable Problem”, WFP sees the possibilities that together we can really end hunger, ensure child and mother nourishment and improves the lives of everyone who sometimes goes to bed or go to school with an empty stomach. Based on the statistics there around 1 Billion people experiencing chronic hunger or that one out of seven.
WFP releases a more than 1 minute video to show the current situation of people experiencing hunger because of poverty, civil and arm conflicts, drought and calamity. This were the current situation we see in Africa, Middle East and also in some of the regions in Mindanao here in thePhilippines. We saw how calamity and poverty slows down the progress in some of the regions and also how civil conflicts affected the economy and livelihood of people which hinders them to bring a better living for their families especially to their children.
The World Food Programme enumerates 6 possible solution to fight hunger which includes; 1. Provide food in emergencies, 2. Support smallholder farmers, 3. Give children vital nutrition, 4. Empower women and girls, 5. Build food safety nets and 6. Support local food markets. In their microsite they wanted to people online aside from their usual donors and supporters to take part of the campaign. Every solutions has a share button where Twitter or Facebook users can actually post it on their social media accounts and inform their friends and followers on the possible solution to fight hunger and encouraging them to repost or retweet it. With this option, information can reach out to other possible supporters, donors, volunteers and advocates and making the information and awareness spreads like fire.

Anyone can help and fight hunger with World Food Programme, visit and know what better options that caters you the most.