After the eviction of Vince last night during the Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition 4 1st Eviction Night, 3 female teen housemates are now facing possible eviction after being included in the 2nd Nomination Night of Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition 4. Nominees included were Karen, Nikka and Myrtle.

Before the nomination, female teen housemates talks about Myrtle about her being bossy during their weekly task at the same time they talked about her physical image where according to them she is not that good looking without make up. Karen is one of the teen housemates is very much vocal against Myrtle. While Mariz, was the only housemate that approaches Kuya in the confession room to say her sorry for joining the exchange of views against the Cosplayer of Iloilo.
To save your nominated housemate, text BB (Name of Housemate) and send to 231 for Globe, TM and Sun or 2331 for Smart and Talk ‘N Text, allotted vote per day is total 30 votes per SIM card, while others can vote online via
Who among Karen, Nikka and Myrtle will join Vince in the outside world this Saturday at the 2nd Eviction Night.
Also catch the return of Slater Young, Pinoy Big Brother Unlimited Big Winner next week as he pays visit the teen housemates in the PatiBahayan Task.
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