The film may not won an Oscar, but Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is something worth watching if you’re up for an inspiring and family theme drama. It is a film adaptation of a 2005 novel written by Jonathan Safran Foer, directed by Stephen Daldry and stars Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn, Max von Sydow, Viola Davis, John Goodman, Jeffrey Wright, and Zoe Caldwell. It currently showing in all cinemas nationwide and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is set after the tragic 9/11 event and how it brings impact to child named Oskar Schell (Horn) whose father is one of the victims of the said tragedy. With the key he found in his dad’s cabinet, Oskar thought it will bring him closer to his father and somehow extends more time with him through the door or safe that the key might open. He embarks on a journey to where the key will lead him, but taking this opportunity a gap grew bigger between him and his mother who’s still grieving with the loss of her husband. Where will the key lead Oskar, will it bring good to him or will it frustrate him more? But the only thing that matters to him is closure and the truth that he longs after the tragic death of his father.

The film adaptation gives the 9/11 event another angle which is the point of view of child who longs for his father who is one of the victims. The storyline offers a journey in search for truth, closure and acceptance that everyone can relate especially it has a family theme. But there’s a tendency that viewers can get irritated with the tone of voice of Oskar especially on how he communicate with his mother or anyone he met on the journey. Maybe, it is because of the frustrations that it is suggested in his character especially he is searching for clues and answers, unfortunately it was not given to him clearly. The storytelling was great and it compliments well with the execution of the scenes, recurring scenes most especially, and how camera angles were done where it suggest either you’re a third person or it put you in the shoes of Oskar, wounded and frustrated.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a kind of movie that you can watch if you wanted to have more of the story and talkies that compliments well with most of the scenes. It offers a kind of drama that you can actually feel the pain and thirst for answers but it also gives an inspiring story that will really touch our hearts on acceptance and a relationship of a child to his father and later to his mother who tries to understand him especially on crazy times. The film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is now showing in all cinemas nationwide and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures.