As of 2010 there are more than 34 Million of reported HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) cases globally and 7,684 of that are from the Philippines with new cases of 253 as of September 2011. Most of them are coming from the bracket of young adults up to 30 years of age that had unsafe penetrative sexual intercourse or sharing of infected syringe. But the dilemma is that not all undergo HIV screening to be check if infected or not, and there’s possibility that the number might be higher and some of them are not aware that they are infected and maybe passing the virus to others.
Today we celebrate World AIDS Day, its not actually a festivity but a reminder to each one of us the sense of responsibility and understanding toward the virus and those who are infected with it. Be an activist, this is the call and challenge of UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) to each one of us to be aware and responsible enough toward the issue of HIV in our respective countries. It also encourages us to pass the information online, to our friends, family members and community for them to know and to understand the concern on AIDS and eradicate discrimination with people living with HIV.
For others to know, the virus can be passed in three ways: unprotected penetrative sexual intercourse infected blood transfusion and infected mother to child. It is very important to use proper protection and testing for everyone to know if they are infected or not and to have that sense of responsibility in each one of us.
Zero HIV, discrimination and related deaths, this is the message of World AIDS Day according to UNAIDS. In their 2011 political declaration on HIV/AIDS their targets are:
- Reduce Sexual Transmission
- Prevent HIV among drug users
- Eliminate new HIV infection among children
- 15 Million accessing treatment
- Avoid tuberculosis deaths
- Close the resource gap
- Eliminate Gender Inequality
- Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
- Eliminate Travel Restrictions
- Strengthen HIV Integration
As of now there are 49 countries that has restrictions of people living with HIV including Andorra, Jordan, Samoa, Armenia, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Aruba, Lebanon, Singapore, Australia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Bahrain, Malaysia, Solomon Islands, Belarus, Marshall Islands, Sudan, Belize, Mauritius, Syrian Arab Republic, Brunei Darussalam, Mongolia, Taiwan, China, Comoros, New Zealand, Tajikistan, Cuba, Nicaragua, Tonga, Cyprus, Oman, Turkmenistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Papua New Guinea, Turks and Caicos Islands, Dominican Republic, Paraguay, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Qatar, Uzbekistan, Fiji, Republic of Korea, Yemen, Iraq, Republic of Moldova, Israel and Russian Federation. Still everyone is not giving up on making these countries open their doors and minds to the people living with HIV and give them equal respect and dignity as a person.

The battle on HIV/AIDS doesn’t begin or stop on World AIDS Day. Everyday there are 6-7 new cases and we have a part off stopping the spread of the virus. We had the power to spread the information online and other platforms to let the un-reach be reached with the right information and awareness. Aside from that we are also challenged to understand and love the people with HIV and stop discrimination in all forms. Together we can combat the virus.
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