One of the hardest and irritating for others when going to mall to shop is the long lines in the payment counter and the products we wanted to buy are not available that time. And especially during sales, expect huge number of shoppers that limits us to check out more products because we can hardly move at the department stores and worse expect heavy traffic or hard time to get taxi. That is why, I find Multiply Marketplace as one of the easy options to buy products particularly gadgets and other accessories that I usually need.
What’s good with the Multiply Marketplace is that there are so many things you can actually buy and they are all verified which means Multiply make sure that the buyers get their products first before giving the payment to the seller. They have Trusted Merchants (Green “T” logo), Trusted Business (Blue “T” logo), and Trusted Sellers (Black “T” logo), that has good reputations in terms of selling products and services online. They know how to deal with the needs and queries of the online buyers. Among the sellers that I usually visit the marketplace are and The Tough Brat Bags offers a wide range of bag items that is very affordable and it fits to the lifestyle any buyer. While the Ebuystore has a collections of gadgets and accessories from laptops, cameras, lenses, mobile phones, mp3 players, and other consumer products that is affordable and has corresponding service warranty.

With blogging and social media being on demand is various campaigns and products; I created my own Multiply Marketplace account to render my services through my blog. Among them are ad placement, paid blog post and social media campaign. The link is, it will be my first time to venture fully on the e-commerce world and I hope fortune favor to me as I learn more about it including strategies and techniques. In terms of creating my own marketplace the interface is easy I can actually choose pre-designed themes and can actually re-layout it and change to colors if I want to.

For those rookies like me in the e-commerce world, Multiply offers a comprehensive FAQs that gives efficient information needed by the sellers including buyers protection and payment options. Another thing, Multiply gives opportunity to their sellers to further extends their reach to possible buyers by giving them an option to advertise in the site through the Multiply Promote. Sellers can reach out to more than 20,000,000 Multiply shoppers and personalize your targets according to demographics. They also offer affordable rates depending on the seller’s budget and the Ad for the products can be actually personalized depending on the campaign or look of the seller.

So make shopping easy and hassle free, check out the Multiply Marketplace and get the things you need as pay it with just a click away.
1 Comment
It’s nice to know that multiply is gearing towards into a better online Shopping system. With Multiply’s decision to support online shopping, it’s safe to say that we will be seeing more localized features that will make selling online easier for the average Filipino. The possibilities are just endless and I’m really excited to see what’s coming.
Good job Multiply!