Walt Disney Animation Studios brings back you childhood days as they bring Winnie the Pooh on the big screen on 2011. Directed by Stephen Anderson, the characters from the children comic books of Alan Alexander Milne (A.A. Milne) will come back to life for a another adventure that will teach us about family and friendship. The animated film features the voices of Jim Cummings (Winnie the Pooh and Tigger), Tom Kenny (Rabbit), Craig Ferguson (Owl), Bud Luckey (Eeyore) and Travis Oates (Piglet).
The animated film was created in a traditional format and it follows the adventure of Winnie the Pooh and his team in search for the lost tail of Eeyore. This also leads to their reunion with Christopher Robin the boy who can actually see them talk. Like in the novel and TV series the story maybe simple yet it touches hearts of its readers and viewers where it targets the topic of friendship, family and acceptance in mistakes and problems.
The movie will be shown in the 2nd or 3rd quarter of 2011. It is the first time that Winnie the Pooh will have its movie after its 35 years of existence. So its big event for those who was touched by all the characters of Hundred Acre Wood.
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